Vaisala HMT 120 Series Humidity / Temperature / Dew Point Transmitter

Features relative humidity with the option of dew point, and temperature outputs
  • Probe can be easily removed and replaced without having to adjust the transmitter
  • Two-wire, loop-powered output configurations
  • Fixed and remote probe models
  • Optional LCD display
  • Vaisala HUMICAP® sensor
  • Different output scalings
  • Compatible with handheld HM70 and HMI41 for one-point calibration
  • IP65 (NEMA 4) protective housing
Vaisala HMT120 series transmitters are designed for monitoring humidity and temperature in demanding environments. Typical applications include stability rooms, HVAC, livestock, indoor swimming pools, and outdoor applications. The transmitters can be wall mounted and come with either an integral or remote probe, and with or without a display. The smooth surface of the enclosure makes it easy to clean and tolerates purifying agents. Remote probe is made of chrome coated aluminum and is ideal for high-temperature applications or where space is limited.

Note: Other options may be available — call for more information.
£538.02 - £833.02GBP / Each
£645.62 - £999.62GBP (incl VAT)

9 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Display Type Max RH Range (%) Max Temperature (° F)
Availability Pricing
Vaisala HMT120 RH/ Only Transmitter with No Display, Wall Mount and 4-20mA Output WZ-37801-40 Mfr # HMT120-HA0A1A22A1A0Z
None 100 176
£538.02GBP / Each
£645.62GBP (incl VAT)
Vaisala HMT120 RH/ Only Transmitter with Display, Wall Mount and 4-20mA Output WZ-37801-41 Mfr # HMT120-HA1A1A22A1A0Z
LCD 100 176
£631.41GBP / Each
£757.69GBP (incl VAT)
Vaisala HMT120 RH/ Only Transmitter with No Display, 5 Meter Remote Probe and 4-20mA Output WZ-37801-42 Mfr # HMT120-HC0A1A22A1A0Z
None 100 176
£599.37GBP / Each
£719.24GBP (incl VAT)
Vaisala HMT120 RH//Temperature Transmitter; No Display, Wall-Mt, 4-20Ma WZ-37801-46 Mfr # HMT120-KA0A1B22A1A0Z
None 100 176
£677.12GBP / Each
£812.54GBP (incl VAT)
Vaisala HMT120 RH/ and Temperature Transmitter with Display, Wall Mount and 4-20mA Output WZ-37801-47 Mfr # HMT120-KA1A1B22A1A0Z
LCD 100 176
£771.28GBP / Each
£925.54GBP (incl VAT)
Vaisala HMT120 RH//Temperature Transmitter; No Display, 3M Probe, 4-20Ma WZ-37801-48 Mfr # HMT120-KB0A1B22A1A0Z
None 100 176
£708.77GBP / Each
£850.52GBP (incl VAT)
Vaisala HMT120 RH//Temp/Dew-Pt Transmitter; Display, Wall-Mt, 4-20Ma WZ-37801-55 Mfr # HMT120-KA1A2B22A1A0Z
LCD 100 176
£771.28GBP / Each
£925.54GBP (incl VAT)
Vaisala HMT120 RH//Temp/Dew-Pt Transmitter; No Display, 5M Probe, 4-20Ma WZ-37801-56 Mfr # HMT120-KC0A2B22A1A0Z
None 100 176
£738.46GBP / Each
£886.15GBP (incl VAT)
Vaisala HMT120 RH//Temp/Dew-Pt Transmitter; Display, 5M Probe, 4-20Ma WZ-37801-57 Mfr # HMT120-KC1A2B22A1A0Z
LCD 100 176
£833.02GBP / Each
£999.62GBP (incl VAT)
Showing 1- 9 of 9

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