Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ Pipette Cleaning Baskets

Protect glass pipets from breakage while cleaning
  • Constructed of durable HDPE
  • For use with Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ pipette jars and washers
Protect glass pipets from breakage by using resilient, chemical-resistant Thermo Scientific™ Nalgene™ HDPE Pipet Baskets. A perforated screen in the bottom allows cleaning solutions to fill the chamber from the bottom and is recessed 0.75″ (1.9cm) for complete drainage. Use these high-denisty polyethylene baskets inside Nalgene pipet jars to soak pipets in cleaning or disinfection solutions, then drain and transfer into the Nalgene pipet washer for automatic pipet washing and rinsing.
£275.66 - £348.72GBP / Each
£330.79 - £418.46GBP (incl VAT)

2 variations of this product are available.

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Compatible with Wetted Matterial Description
Availability Pricing
Thermo Scientific Nalgene Pipette Cleaning Basket for 16" L Pipets WZ-06150-00 Mfr # DS5241-0040
Pipette jar 06172-00 and pipette washer 06185-00 HDPE Pipette Cleaning Basket for 16" L Pipets
£275.66GBP / Each
£330.79GBP (incl VAT)
Thermo Scientific Nalgene Pipette Cleaning Basket for 24" L Pipets WZ-06155-00 Mfr # DS5241-0050
Pipette jar 06176-00 and pipette washer 06190-00 HDPE Pipette Cleaning Basket for 24" L Pipets
£348.72GBP / Each
£418.46GBP (incl VAT)
Showing 1- 2 of 2

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