Cole-Parmer® Aluminum Weighing Dishes, Crimped Wall with Tab

Crimpled walled with side finger tab handle
  • Disposable
Crimped sides for rigidity, sturdy gauge for heavy duty use. Large tab for sample numbers, flat bottom to improve sample handling, sides are angled for easy seperation. No oil residue, no vinyl coating to create contamination problems. Smooth bottom and may be used in a wide variety of applications including weighing, moisture testing, wastewater analysis, chemical, and pharmaceutical.
£24.68 - £210.73GBP / Pkg of 100
£29.62 - £252.88GBP (incl VAT)

7 variations of this product are available.

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Compareitem specifications
Capacity (mL) Depth (in) Diameter (mm)
Availability Pricing
50 5/8 57
£145.51GBP / Case of 1000
£174.61GBP (incl VAT)
20 1/2 43
£134.54GBP / Case of 1000
£161.45GBP (incl VAT)
60 5/8 70
£174.40GBP / Case of 1000
£209.28GBP (incl VAT)
8 3/8 28
£210.73GBP / Case of 500
£252.88GBP (incl VAT)
50 5/8 57
£24.68GBP / Pkg of 100
£29.62GBP (incl VAT)
20 1/2 43
£26.28GBP / Pkg of 100
£31.54GBP (incl VAT)
60 5/8 70
£24.68GBP / Pkg of 100
£29.62GBP (incl VAT)
Showing 1- 7 of 7

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