No need for separate labels—work in cryogenic applications, ultra-low freezers, and incubators
Inert polyester with a unique adhesive adheres to glass, plasticware, and most metals
No need to self-laminate and sleeker labels fit most storage systems without adding bulk—even cryocanes
Strips and dots come in varying sizes, colors, and on rolls for individual labeling or on sheets for use with laser printers
Argos Technologies PolarSafe labels withstand conventional freezing (-80°C) but can also be used for most cryogenic storage applications (vapor phase nitrogen storage at -196°C). Choose the size, color, and format to suit your labeling needs. The wide range of sizes allow you to label your whole experiment permanently. From microcentrifuge tube to cryovial; microtiter plate to storage box.
Our specialists are here to help you find the best product or part available for your application. Call or Email us and we will make sure you get the right product or part for the job.