Cole-Parmer Milestones

From its inception in 1955, Jerry Cole and John Parmer sought to establish a scientific supply company that served customers with excellence.We are a leading global manufacturer of products, instrumentation, equipment, and supplies. Our products are used extensively from research to process in the pharmaceutical, life sciences, environmental and food & beverage industries. Here are the milestones that have helped us get to where we are today:

2021 Acquired NSI Lab Solutions
  • Cole-Parmer was renamed Antylia Scientific™. These divisions host our portfolio of iconic brands:
  • ZeptoMetrix®
  • SPEX®
  • Traceable®
  • Cole-Parmer® Essentials
  • Environmental Express®
Cole-Parmer renamed Antylia Scientific
  • Acquired ZeptoMetrix
Acquired ZeptoMetrix
2019 Acquired SPEX
2017 Acquired Argos Technologies
Acquired Kinesis
2015 Acquired Environmental Express
Acquired Ismatec
2014 Launched expanded line of Digi-Sense
  • Acquired Davis Instruments
Acquired Davis Instruments
  • Cole-Parmer established office in Mumbai, India
  • BioConnect® program established in May, offering single-use custom assemblies
established India office
  • Cole-Parmer China established in Shanghai, China
Established Shanghai, China
2002 InnoCal launched
  • Fisher™ accumet™ product management moves to Cole-Parmer; manufacturing moves to Eutech in Singapore
  • e-Commerce division established in April
ecommerce devision established
1996 Opened in England
  • Acquired Manostat Pumps
  • Cole-Parmer acquires Eutech Instruments, Singapore
Acquired Manostat Pumps and Eutech Instruments, Singapore
  • Moved to our present, 269,000-square-foot, state-of-the-art facility in Vernon Hills, IL
Vernon Hills state of the art warehouse
  • Acquired Gilmont Instruments
  • Cole-Parmer Repairs is established
  • Cole-Parmer obtains an exclusive agreement with Eutech for North and South America, and the first Oakton® products are sold
Acquired Gilmont Instruments
  • Opened Labcor in Montreal, Canada later named Cole-Parmer Canada
  • Opened service center in Bejing, China
Opened in Canada and China
1985 Wholesale department established
  • Published and direct-mailed the first 4-color color catalog in the industry
  • International Division established
International Division Established
  • Acquired Barnant Company - Masterflex® pumps
  • Moved to 7425 N. Oak Park Ave., Niles, IL 47,000-square-foot building, three acres of land with 38 associates. Before company moved again, the building was expanded three times and additional warehouse and office space was leased.
Acquired Barnant company. Moved to Niles
  • Moved to 7330 N. Clark Street, Chicago, IL, 12,000-square-foot facility
Moved to Chicago facility
  • Publication of first nationally direct-mailed catalog
first catalog- nationally direct-mailed
  • Cole-Parmer Instrument Company established.
    224 W. Illinois Street, Chicago, IL.
    In a 1,200-square-foot loft
    Owners — Mr. Jerome Cole and Mr. John Parmer
  • Hired first employee, Alberta Pinson- 3/5/55
Mr.Cole and Mr.Parmer