Cole-Parmer TELOS® SLE Supported Liquid Extraction Column, Neutral Matrix, 10 g, 150 mL; 8/PK

Representative image only.
Cole-Parmer Item # WZ-06482-01
Perfectly suited for automation procedures
  • Efficient extraction
  • High analyte recovery with no emulsion formation
  • 10 g neutral matrix


£85.16GBP / Pkg of 8
£102.19GBP (incl VAT)


Specifications & Description

  • Bed Mass (g)10
  • Total Volume Capacity (mL)150
  • ApplicationsNeutral matrix
  • DescriptionSLE Supported Liquid Extraction Column, Neutral Matrix, 10 g, 150 mL; 8/PK

Key Features

  • Efficient extraction
  • High analyte recovery with no emulsion formation
  • 10 g neutral matrix

More About this Item

Use supported liquid extraction columns when you need to extract samples quickly and effectively. Columns are packed with a diatomaceous earth, a neutral matrix, to provide support to absorb the aqueous sample. Once the aqueous sample is fully absorbed, a water immiscible organic solvent is used to elute the analytes. High analyte recoveries are obtained without any offline steps such as protein precipitation, and sample extracts are free of proteins and phospholipids. A hydrophilic top frit allows the sample to pass through while minimizing any blockage.

Use neutral matrix columns (NM) in analytical applications such as isolating drugs from biological fluids.




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