Cole-Parmer RR-1400 Monobed Deionizer Mixed-Bed Resin; Bulk

Representative image only.
Cole-Parmer Item # WZ-01503-10
Keep your monbed deionizer running smoothly
  • Designed to be easily interchanged with your monobed deionizer
  • 1 year warranty


£152.95GBP / Each
£183.54GBP (incl VAT)


Specifications & Description

  • Compatible WithMonobed Deionizer System
  • DescriptionMonobed Water Deionizer Mixed-Bed Resin; Bulk
  • Warranty1 year
1 Year Warranty

Key Features

  • Designed to be easily interchanged with your monobed deionizer
  • 1 year warranty

More About this Item

Choose from resins and an ultrapure cartidge to provide high purity water from your monobed deionizer water systems.

The mixed-bed resin is made up of a cation and anion bead allowing water to flow through the deionizer tanks and come out near zero totatl dissolved solids, creating deionized water.

The resin is exhausted when chlorine/chlorides leach out. To test, take a beaker of water from the demineralizer and add a drop of silver chloride. If the water is cloudy then the resin should be changed.




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